
2018 - 2020

  • Launch DApp with PVP Model for FIFA & Mortal Kombat

  • BitSport Live Roll - Out with Ozilla

  • Official Whitepaper 1.0 Roll-Out

2020 - 2021

  • North America Market / Covid eSport boom

  • First Regional eSports Tournaments

  • Economics Structuring

2021 - 2022

  • BitSport Creative Program

  • NFT - IGO Roll-Out

  • BitSport Live Defi Staking ( World Cup Series )

Q1-Q2 2023

  • Launch Mobile games on the DApp to increase More Adoption - BitPool

  • BitSport Esport Team & Global Regional Tournaments

  • StakEarn Protocol

Q2-Q3 2023

  • Developers Program Foundation

  • Start PlayChain Pre-Development

  • InGame API Stack Launch

Q3-Q4 2023

  • BitVerse Pre-Development

  • $BITP Farmearn / Airdrop

Q1 2024

  • BitPool Massive Marketing push

  • BitSport e-sports Team & Global Regional Tournaments 2

  • $BITP Private Sales

Q2 2024

  • More Games Pre-Development - Web3 Chess & other

  • Start PlayChain Testnet Development

  • Rollout $BITP on PlayChain Testnet

  • BitPool Roll-out in Telegram (PoolDegens)

Q3 2024

  • Socialfi Campaign & PoolTap

  • $BITP Public IDOs

  • Roll-Out $BITP on DEX/CEX

  • BitSport Creatives & Developers programs launch

Q4 2024

  • Web3 Chess test2earn campaign

  • BitSport team scout global regional e-sports tournament

  • BitVerse Testnet DApp

  • Launch PlayChain Public Testnet

Last updated